HR & Payroll Services
Initial Engagement
Vague understanding of requirements
Vague understanding of the real need
Meeting(s) and workshop(s) to complete the initial engagement to confirm requirements
Could take between 0.5 to 5 days depending on the size of the opportunity
There is more clarity on scope, costs, timeline, and resources
Key risks, issues and decisions can be surfaced from day one
Will provide more certainty on any further engagement or even inform the need to take another direction
Full clarity on IR35 status
Business Case Development
Out of date system and upgrade of new functionality either not possible, does not meet requirements, or is cost prohibitive.
Ongoing costs of maintaining the solution are too expensive e.g., user licences, data maintenance and accuracy, inadequate integration functionality, reliance on expensive supplier resource.
Business has outgrown existing system functionality, and this is not available on the current solution e.g., specific modules not available such as performance management, learning administration, succession planning.
Non solution factors e.g., finance directive, audit recommendations, political directive, employee satisfaction has outgrown existing system functionality, and this is not available on the current solution e.g., specific modules not available such as performance management, learning administration, succession planning.
will provide a generic prepopulated business case template and we will work with client personnel to develop the outline and final version
will provide a generic prepopulated initial detailed plan, risks and issues logs and we will work with client personnel to tailor as required
will provide generic costs and we will work with client personnel and suppliers to firm up as required e.g., soft market testing
We will mentor, empower, and support client personnel to learn from our experience and deliver to plan
No need to start from a blank canvas and this normally encourages client personnel to challenge the status quo, focus on real outcomes and tease out delivery activities
Quick optimum governance controls in place and early sight of detailed plan
More certainty on total cost of ownership
Client personnel are better placed to deliver the business case and have a clear vision of what the future could look like and what it is going to take to deliver it
Solution Enhancements
Need to improve data accuracy and analytics
Need to deliver process efficiencies
Need to deliver organisation control
Need to deploy new functionality e.g., learning, recruitment and performance management modules
Need to increase employee engagement
Need to move to cloud hosting from on premise
Lack of GDPR compliance
Need to comply with audit report recommendations
will provide a generic prepopulated initial detailed plan, risks and issues logs and we will work with client personnel to tailor as required
We will mentor, empower, and support client personnel to enable them to learn from our experience, gain confidence, challenge the status quo, and solve problems, to deliver and support fit for purpose sustainable solutions
We will also tailor project documents so that they can be baselined and continuously improved to support business as usual
Quick optimum governance controls in place
No need to start from a blank canvas and this normally encourages client personnel to challenge the status quo and focus on real outcomes.
Early sight of typical key decisions, risks, issues, and challenges together with potential recommendations and options
Early sight of the typical HR & Payroll deliverables to ensure no key areas are missed, early awareness of what is required from client personnel, early opportunity to review supplier join up, dependencies and areas of concern
Fit for purpose solution, your personnel are better placed to support business as usual, and you have less reliance on the need for ongoing 3rd party support
Repeatable and reusable whole life documentation
Full End to End Implementation
You have completed procurement
will provide a generic prepopulated initial detailed plan, risks and issues logs and we will work with client personnel to tailor as required
To ensure all project impact areas are covered, incorporates the following, typically split into:
Management stages: design, define, build & unit test – agile where relevant, integration test, user acceptance test, transition, service delivery
Elements: technical infrastructure, technical integrations, business process, data governance, procurement, software, reporting & analytics, data migration, change & transformation, service delivery
We will mentor, empower, and support client personnel to enable them to learn from our experience, gain confidence, challenge the status quo, and solve problems, to deliver and support fit for purpose sustainable solutions
We will also tailor project documents so that they can be baselined and continuously improved to support business as usual
Quick optimum governance controls in place
No need to start from a blank canvas and this normally encourages client personnel to challenge the status quo and focus on real outcomes.
Early sight of typical key decisions, risks, issues, and challenges together with potential recommendations and options
Early sight of the typical HR & Payroll deliverables to ensure no key areas are missed, early awareness of what is required from client personnel, early opportunity to review supplier join up, dependencies and areas of concern
Fit for purpose solution, your personnel are better placed to support business as usual, and you have less reliance on the need for ongoing 3rd party support
Repeatable and reusable whole life documentation
System Procurement
Your contract is due to expire
You want to outsource to a 3rd party
will provide a generic prepopulated initial detailed plan, risks and issues logs and we will work with client personnel to confirm the procurement approach and tailor as required
will provide a generic prepopulated initial prequalifying questions (PQQ) and invite to tender (ITT) documents, and we will work with client personnel to confirm a robust of requirements
We will mentor, empower, and support client personnel to enable them to learn from our experience, gain confidence, challenge the status quo, and solve problems, to deliver and support fit for purpose sustainable solutions
We will also tailor project documents so that they can be baselined and continuously improved to support business as usual
Client gets what they require
Quick optimum governance controls in place
No need to start from blank canvas and client personnel fully aware of the art of the possible and the potential impacts of typical costly pinch points such as licences, hierarchy, work patterns, supplier consultancy days, data cleansing, data migration, use of templates, change control consequences, supplier expectation of client personnel, ongoing support etc.
Early sight of typical key decisions, risks, issues, and challenges together with potential recommendations and options
Repeatable and reusable whole life documentation
Project And/Or Solution Health Check
The project is failing to deliver fit for purpose functionality
Supplier issues
Contractual / service management issues
Costs spiralling out of control
Behind on timelines and no remedial plan
Shortfall in expected benefits
End users are not ready
Lack of sponsor confidence
With a degree of sensitivity, we will review your project and solution status using alongside your own PM standards to produce a health check report.
Along with the normal day to day project type issues our focus would also target some of the typical HR and Payroll focal points e.g., user licence numbers and allocation and cost, access controls and maintenance, hierarchy and reporting lines approach and maintenance, data cleansing, data migration mapping and reconciliation process, parallel run approach and reconciliation process, proxy user approach and maintenance, pay and deduction element mapping between old and new systems, pension schemes, sickness history and calculation, working patterns etc.
We would then apply a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis to the health check report to provide options and a recommendation for the way forward
Client receives a project and / or solution health check report
Comprehensive review of the HR and Payroll platform and its ability to provide a fit for purpose, scalable and sustainable solution
Clear understanding of next steps including impacts on approach, scope, total cost of ownership and timeline